The Blog

Dana Sanchez’s Leanstay Story Blog 4/21/14

April 25, 2014 / 0 Comments / Posted in: Uncategorized

Ten months and three weeks ago, I started my Leanstay journey overweight and out of shape.

This weekend, I will be riding in a 35-mile bicycle race. I’m not riding to win the race. I’m riding because I can. I’m riding because in the past year at Leanstay, I have learned to express myself in new ways and my health is one of them.
I didn’t even know I liked bike riding when I came to Leanstay.
But then I went riding with Scott and there’s something about not being able to keep up with Scott on a bicycle that really got to me. in a good way.
So Scott and I went on more bike rides, and I started to like it.
One of our rides, a spontaneous one, took us 22 miles into the Everglades on a rough and stony road. I was amazed that I could do it. Twenty-miles sounds like a lot. On that ride, we saw a deer, otters and a raccoon.
Here’s some other ways I learned to express myself through my good health.
Every Wednesday morning last summer, I went for a sunrise beach walk, swim and workout on the exercise equipment at Pompano Beach. I usually had the company of other Leanstay residents, but sometimes I was alone.
As it turned out, being alone on the beach was more than OK. I loved it. I watched the early-morning fishermen on the pier, I watched the surfers, the treasure hunters with their metal detectors, and I started a new hobby collecting sea glass.
But the best part was I was getting a workout and doing something that was good for my soul simultaneously.
My relationship with exercise has changed forever because of Leanstay.
We have an excellent place to work out at the house in a garage-turned-gym. But as much as I love the Leanstay gym and the workouts, I’ve always known intuitively that I need to get my workouts out of the gym. I need to be able to transport them.
Leanstay encourages this.
At Leanstay I learned how.

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